Sunday, January 13, 2008

Jazz Com Boz DEBUT!

I'm posting this little preview of "Jazz Com Boz," Anthony's new comic for the Daily Campus at UConn. I set up the blog so he could reach a bigger amount of people than he can on Facebook.

As Big Steve put it, Jazz Com Boz is joining the ranks of the Daily Campus' Winter '08 greats like Jake Lucas' Dave's Adventure's in College and Sean Rose's...well I don't know the name of it yet but we're sure it's great.

I asked Anthony what he wanted to say before I posted the comics, and he said this:

"This comic is the best ever. This comic gives any man a *raging* boner. This comic puts any woman in heat. It's just that good."

Alright, what you've all been waiting for:

Stay tuned for more.



Jake Lucas said...

Damn good shit you got here. The last two are my fav's. It's going to be a pleasure working with you, good sir.

Big said...

shebert and groper gave it 2 thumbs up